Wednesday, May 24, 2017

BOOK BLOGGER HOP #9 - What Do You Do With Unwanted Books?



BOOK BLOGGER HOP is hosted by Billy at Ramblings From A Coffee Addicted Writer. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end on Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop's purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog. This week's question was submitted by Elizabeth from SILVER'S REVIEWS.

What do you do with your unwanted books?

I first go through and pick out what I have seen my blogging buddies interested in and send them out. I love it when I already have their address and it can be a surprise! Next, I decide what might be good for giveaways here on the blog, or on Twitter. Then, I set aside the ones other bloggers might trade for.

All of the Middle Grades I give to my friend's fifth grade class for their reading nook. The children's books I get I donate to a local non-profit daycare, but they will be getting a little competition because a community center just opened up near me, and they have a take-me-home shelf.

The YA and Adult Fiction go to my local Iibrary's used book sale.

I went in the afternoon last time they had a book sale, instead of in the morning when I usually come across some of the books I have recently donated, and was happy to see all of those books gone. It is a good feeling to know they are all re-homed.

My sister used to peruse my culled stacks, but she listens to audiobooks almost exclusively now. I can still lend her ebooks through Amazon, though, so I am not totally useless for her reading habits, ha ha.
What do you do with your unwanted books?

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